Fear of what I would discover in the book of Revelation held me captive for years until the Holy Spirit led me on a journey through the pages. As He helped me through Revelation, I encountered something I never thought I would find; His perfect peace about God’s plans for the end of times.
Read MoreFeeling stuck, fruitless, and empty in your faith is more common than you realize. But it is not God’s plan for you to stay in that dry place. Hope and encouragement to see yourself the way God sees you and to grow in your faith.
Read MoreOur post about the book of Enoch has generated many comments. Because many are so similar in the information shared, we wrote a blog post sharing our responses to the feedback and thoughts of our readers.
Read MoreAs a baby Christian, I was eager to share my testimony with anyone who would listen. But as time went on, I grew reluctant to put myself out there. This is the story of how the Holy Spirit got my attention and guided me back to sharing once again.
Read MoreWe can search high and low for something to fill the need within us. We can also turn a deaf ear to the Holy Spirit beckoning us to go in the direction He knows we need to follow. This post is a glimpse into my morning in which I chose to ignore the beckoning of the Holy Spirit.
Read MoreBiblical repentance is critical to the life of the believer, which is why we must gain a biblical understanding of what it is. Unfortunately, for years I didn’t have a clue what true biblical repentance was, and my spiritual life had become stagnant. It might be hard for us to understand but biblical repentance is a blessing!
Read MoreAs we happily journey along, sometimes God interrupts our plans with a change in direction we don’t see coming. This happened to Mary and Joseph before baby Jesus was born. Life lessons we can learn from their experience when we feel like our world has been turned upside down.
Read MoreThe Gospel of Matthew shares the life and ministry of Jesus. Matthew skillfully groups Jesus’ teachings into 5 sections while weaving miracles in between. Matthew pulls liberally from the Old Testament carefully blending Jesus’ words and deeds to show that Christ is the long-awaited King and Messiah.
Read MoreNoah is a man that is often overlooked. We tend to focus on the animals, the boat, and the flood. So who was Noah? Is our image of him different than the way God saw him? What made Noah different than those around him? The lessons God has for us from the life of Noah will bless you greatly as you begin to walk out God’s amazing plan for your life!
Read MoreThe story of Noah is much more than we learned as little kids. In chapters 6-9 we discover a warning, promise, and do-over. In chapter 6, God makes an amazing statement about Noah and gives him detailed instructions to prepare for a major upcoming event (the flood).
Read MoreThe Book of Enoch is an ancient text of knowledge and understanding that was popular in Jesus’ day. Is there value in this book for today? Why was it removed from the Bible? What does this book tell us that the Bible doesn’t? Didn’t Satan tempt Adam and Eve with the promise of knowledge and understanding that God was withholding from them?
Read MoreThere is so much more to this chapter than one brother killing another. We learn more about God’s character and the far-reaching devastation of sin. But also, we are reminded again that actions aren’t the only thing that matters to God; attitudes matter too!
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