We all have prolonged situations in our lives that make us feel helpless. In Psalm 142 we learn a priceless lesson about David’s time of trouble and how he chose to handle it.
Read MoreWe can search high and low for something to fill the need within us. We can also turn a deaf ear to the Holy Spirit beckoning us to go in the direction He knows we need to follow. This post is a glimpse into my morning in which I chose to ignore the beckoning of the Holy Spirit.
Read MoreLike seasons of nature, spiritual seasons come and go. Some last longer than others but they all serve a purpose. In this post, I share with you lessons I learned in my long season of waiting on the Lord.
Read MoreGod can use everything in our lives to grow us but some things will slow us. We need to evaluate how we spend our time, our choice of reading material, and our heart to discover if there is room in our lives for both the Bible and Christian fiction.
Read MoreBiblical fasting is a spiritual discipline with amazing blessings. As we study Jesus’ 40-day fast we see how to handle temptations, what we can expect during and after a fast, and when to draw the line.
Read MoreEveryone gets tempted (James 1:13-14) so we need to learn to deal with temptation biblically before it becomes sin. When we are tempted, the decisions we make decide our future; we either draw closer to God or further from him. The good news is that if we will turn to God, he will provide a way out of the temptation.
Read MoreWhat we believe affects our relationships with everyone, even God. There are popular lies Christians believe that continues generation after generation. The problem with allowing these lies to remain unchecked is that what we think we believe. What we believe, we speak. What we speak, others believe...and the lies continue.
Read MoreGod desires to do a new thing in your life but He can’t until you turn back to him. God has never turned someone away who sought him, even if that someone willingly turned their back on Him in the past.
Read MoreOur minds become a battlefield as we wrestle with our thinking. Often, we don’t take hold of our thoughts. Instead, we allow them to run wild causing overwhelm. Because of our mental strongholds, battles are won or lost in our minds before we make a single move.
Read MoreWhat does it actually mean to obey God? is partial obedience enough? Is lack of obedience but a willing heart enough? God does not force us to obey his commands; we obey because we love him. 1 Kings 13 reveals how God views complete and partial obedience, as well as outright disobedience.
Read MoreComforting a hurting sister who suffers from chronic illness takes patience and love. We must be mindful of the words we speak and the way they might be taken. Using the power of words to build others up instead of tearing them down.
Read MoreWhen battling an illness, our priority needs to be drawing closer to God. God has his reasons for allowing illness. But ultimately, it doesn't matter why we go through something or how God will fix it. Our job isn't to get obsessed trying to figure it all out. Our job is to draw closer to our Savior and trust God no matter the outcome.
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