Fear of what I would discover in the book of Revelation held me captive for years until the Holy Spirit led me on a journey through the pages. As He helped me through Revelation, I encountered something I never thought I would find; His perfect peace about God’s plans for the end of times.
Read MoreWe all have prolonged situations in our lives that make us feel helpless. In Psalm 142 we learn a priceless lesson about David’s time of trouble and how he chose to handle it.
Read MoreFeeling stuck, fruitless, and empty in your faith is more common than you realize. But it is not God’s plan for you to stay in that dry place. Hope and encouragement to see yourself the way God sees you and to grow in your faith.
Read MoreOur post about the book of Enoch has generated many comments. Because many are so similar in the information shared, we wrote a blog post sharing our responses to the feedback and thoughts of our readers.
Read MoreThe account of the woman with the issue of blood is full of insight on complete healing. We don’t have to walk in her shoes to realize that we share her path because we all have something we have battled for longer than we care to admit.
Read MoreLike seasons of nature, spiritual seasons come and go. Some last longer than others but they all serve a purpose. In this post, I share with you lessons I learned in my long season of waiting on the Lord.
Read MoreThe Book of Enoch is an ancient text of knowledge and understanding that was popular in Jesus’ day. Is there value in this book for today? Why was it removed from the Bible? What does this book tell us that the Bible doesn’t? Didn’t Satan tempt Adam and Eve with the promise of knowledge and understanding that God was withholding from them?
Read MoreA chronological Bible is a great tool to help you get into the Bible and gain an understanding of the flow of Scripture because it helps put Scripture into context, which is vital to good Bible study and interpretation. Bonus: Access to our free chronological Bible reading/study plan!
Read MoreGod can use everything in our lives to grow us but some things will slow us. We need to evaluate how we spend our time, our choice of reading material, and our heart to discover if there is room in our lives for both the Bible and Christian fiction.
Read MoreWith the chaos and uncertainty right now, many have been looking into adjusting their priorities and getting their houses prepared. Is this type of lifestyle right for you? Is being a Christian prepper putting your trust into your supplies instead of God? Let’s take a look and see if being a Christian who plans and prepares is desirable (biblical).
Read MoreOur beliefs come from those we allow to speak into our lives. We must come to a point that we are no longer satisfied with what others tell us to believe. Instead, we need to begin to search Scripture for ourselves.
Read MoreHave you ever wanted something so badly that nothing else would satisfy you? Hannah was like that. Life lessons we can learn from the unwavering persistence of Hannah.
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