The Book of Enoch: A friendly Rebuttal To Blog Comments
Our post, The Book of Enoch, A Missing Book of The Bible? has generated a flurry of comments. We thank everyone for reading the Enoch post and taking the time to share with us your understanding of this topic.
We noticed that in many of the comments, the same Scripture references were used as evidence in support of the validity of the book of Enoch. Feeling the need to respond, we would like to address the comments that post generated.
I have asked my husband to address these comments as he has far more Biblical knowledge and understanding and has researched this issue many times.
Right off the bat, we want you to know that although we looked carefully at every comment and passage given, we have not been swayed to change our minds about the book of Enoch. We still do not believe this is a valid "companion" to the Bible as many suggested, nor do we believe it is a Holy Spirit inspired missing book from the Bible.
The first thing we need to remember is the truth of Scripture. The main focus of Scripture (the overtones or over-arching theme) found repeatedly throughout Scripture, is the reconciliation of God and man through the person of Christ Jesus.
Every account in the Bible shows us how man fell trying to do things his way, realizing he was wrong and coming to the realization that he needs a Savior. And that salvation is first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. No man should rejoice at the fall of the wicked. It is God's will that none perish but all have everlasting life.
It doesn't matter what book of the Bible you are reading, God doesn't change, everything points to Jesus, and the over-arching themes stay consistent.
We don't really get any of that when we read the Book of Enoch. Time and again we felt the entirety of Enoch is about Enoch and the fallen angels. What we mean by that is that this one man is said to have total understanding from Genesis to Revelation and everything in between. Even Jesus said there were things He did not know yet (Mark 13:32). But according to the book of Enoch, Enoch knew the how, why, and when of all things.
The Bible spans fifteen hundred years and 40 different authors. God didn't leave all that knowledge and wisdom with one man but many. God's care and devotion throughout time shows us that God is always with us; talking, reassuring, and comforting us from generation to generation. He didn't share His wisdom with one person then back off and let us fend for ourselves.
Hebrews 10:1 says, "for the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers there unto perfect".
Also, according to Isaiah 28:10, we have to learn line upon line, a little here, a little there. These verses show we don't get all the information all at once.
A friendly response to blog comments about the Book of Enoch
Genesis 6:1-4 are the foundational verses used in support of the book of Enoch. In the first book of Enoch, Enoch is said to provide lots of details that the Bible does not contain, such as about the giants or Nephilim that roamed the earth. They say the book of Enoch is needed because it provides additional details about the Nephilim that the early church removed.
Let's see what Genesis 6:1-4 says,
"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for he is indeed flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Let's break it down now and re-read what is there.
The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair, and they took them as wives that they chose.
1. According to the book of Enoch, the sons of God were the angels that made a pact to go against God and marry women of the earth.
If the sons of God were always fallen angels, why would the New Testament (John, Romans, Philippians, 1 John) refer to humans as the sons of God? Wouldn't that be some sort of evolution process to morph from part angel and part human to all human? As Christians who believe the Bible, we know that evolution is not of God but a worldly thing. God created all things to reproduce after its own kind.
2. Then we read that they took the women as wives. If they were fallen angels, already in rebellion against God, why would they take wives? A marriage is a covenant blessed (approved of)by God. These fallen angels had already been cast out of heaven due to rebellion. Why would rebellious angels make a covenant with God and women? Why not just rape the women? After all, they knew they were defying God and had no problem with their rebellion. Why bother with marriage?
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them,
This is the part that seals it for us. It says "There were giants in those days, and also after that the sons of God came unto the daughters of men and bore them children. After what? After the giants were here. According to this, the giants were already on the earth.
they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Strong's Concordance defines the word renown as an honor, authority, or character. So these men of renown were good men of high (godly) character and authority. If they were half-evil and half-human, why would the Bible call them men of renown?
In Matthew 22:30, Jesus says that in the resurrection, humans will neither marry nor be given in marriage but will be like the angels in heaven. This verse (and its parallel verse in Mark) tells us that while in heaven those things do not happen. But it's important to note that this verse doesn't say that the fallen angels could marry and sire children while on earth even though we humans can and do.
1 Peter 3:20 and 2 Peter 2:4 are said to state that the fallen angels engaged in such activities during the time Noah was preparing the ark. But, Scripture doesn't say that. Both passages say that they were disobedient (and they were, that is why they were tossed out of heaven), they were not spared, but cast into hell and put into chains of darkness. It doesn't say they were cast into hell after God allowed them to have a bit of fun on Earth.
Although we have appreciated the opportunity to dig into Scripture, we still do not believe there is a link between the Bible and the book of Enoch, nor do we believe the book of Enoch was inspired by the Holy Ghost.
Our greatest concern about this subject has been the fact that so many have built their entire belief system around the book of Enoch with the Bible as a "helper" book to Enoch. They give the book of Enoch more validity than they do the Bible. That is concerning.
Were the giants real? Absolutely. The Bible says they were here although it does not tell us how they got here. What was their purpose, and are they still here? We do not know because God doesn’t say. Did God cast them from heaven due to rebellion and allow them to go to earth to defile his beloved creation? We just don't see it clearly stated in Scripture. And what is clearly stated in Scripture is all we can go by.
Father God, thank you for loving us. We sure do make things complicated, Lord. Thank you for providing wisdom to all who seek you! There are so many things we struggle with needlessly, and I fear this subject is one of them. Lord God, help all who read this to turn their focus to knowing You and loving others. Those are two things you have clearly told us are to be the priorities of every believer. These other things are interesting, but they ultimately don’t matter. Sadly, this topic seems to be incredibly divisive to Your church. Lord, thank you for helping us put this issue in perspective. We praise you and thank you for the gifts of your knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray, Amen!