Noah is a man that is often overlooked. We tend to focus on the animals, the boat, and the flood. So who was Noah? Is our image of him different than the way God saw him? What made Noah different than those around him? The lessons God has for us from the life of Noah will bless you greatly as you begin to walk out God’s amazing plan for your life!
Read MoreThe story of Noah is much more than we learned as little kids. In chapters 6-9 we discover a warning, promise, and do-over. In chapter 6, God makes an amazing statement about Noah and gives him detailed instructions to prepare for a major upcoming event (the flood).
Read MoreThe sons of God and the daughters of men. Who were they? Do those titles refer to all children of God? And what’s up with the giants? Where did they come from? Is it true they were created by evil angels procreating with human women? Let’s take a look at what the Bible really says.
Read MoreThe Book of Enoch is an ancient text of knowledge and understanding that was popular in Jesus’ day. Is there value in this book for today? Why was it removed from the Bible? What does this book tell us that the Bible doesn’t? Didn’t Satan tempt Adam and Eve with the promise of knowledge and understanding that God was withholding from them?
Read MoreGenesis chapter 5 is one of those chapters that are so easy to skip. But, I would urge you not to. As with every word in Scripture, the Holy Spirit has rich nuggets waiting for us. For example, the rapture is a hot topic right now. It just so happens one of the men in this chapter experienced rapture!
Read MoreWhat does God expect of us in regards to each other? Does He make us responsible for the actions of ourselves and others? Are we really supposed to be our brother’s (or sister’s) keeper? What does it even mean to keep your brother? Keep him from what?!?
Read MoreThere is so much more to this chapter than one brother killing another. We learn more about God’s character and the far-reaching devastation of sin. But also, we are reminded again that actions aren’t the only thing that matters to God; attitudes matter too!
Read MoreAs Christians, we have an enemy that hates our very soul. But who is he? Where does he come from? What is his purpose? Can he read our thoughts? Can he determine our future? Why does he hate us so much? What should we do about him?
Read MoreChapter 3 shows us why we have sin in our lives, how the enemy of our soul tempts us to disobey our Lord, and the immediate and long-term consequences of sin.
Read MoreChapter 2 provides a more detailed account of the creation of man and woman, their relationship, and the paradise God created.
Read MoreAlthough I share my study method, there are so many ways we can study the Bible. Bible study isn’t a one-size-fits-all process. In-depth Bible study doesn’t have to be overwhelming when we learn to take it one day at a time, one book at a time, one chapter at a time, one verse at a time.
Read MoreAlthough God has always been, we have not. This chapter contains the story of the creation of the world as well as the creation of mankind.
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