Have you reached a pivotal moment in your life? For me, it was a Bible study that changed my life forever. How I learned the valuable life-lesson of applying biblical discernment to my Bible study time.
Read MoreGod has blessed every Christian with spiritual gifts for the purpose of blessing the church body and bringing Him glory. We have been handed the gift, it is our responsibility to seek God on how, when, where, and in what way to use our gifts to bless our brothers and sisters.
Read MoreThere is a right way and a wrong way to begin sharing spiritual gifts. Five things to do before sharing your spiritual gifts.
Read MoreBefore coming to know Jesus, many commit sins they later regret. Abortion is often one of those sins. Unfortunately, we treat abortion as if it is the ultimate, unforgivable sin. Our words and actions condemn and reject, which isn’t Christ-like on our part. What could God do through the church if we would put down our verbal stones and open our arms in love instead?
Read MoreGod has hand-picked at least one spiritual gift He desires you to operate in while serving your brothers and sisters. In this post, I share three biblical and one unbiblical (but not wrong) ways you can discover your spiritual gifts.
Read MoreGod-given spiritual gifts are not just for the 5-fold ministry but for every child of God. In this comprehensive guide to Spiritual gifts, we look at where they are found in the Bible, who has them, where they come from, and what spiritual gifts are for.
Read MoreWhat we believe affects our relationships with everyone, even God. There are popular lies Christians believe that continues generation after generation. The problem with allowing these lies to remain unchecked is that what we think we believe. What we believe, we speak. What we speak, others believe...and the lies continue.
Read MoreGod desires to do a new thing in your life but He can’t until you turn back to him. God has never turned someone away who sought him, even if that someone willingly turned their back on Him in the past.
Read MoreMarriage is plain hard when you have two injured souls trying to merge their lives as Christians while maintaining a worldly mindset. Renewing your mindset is critical to your marriage because your thoughts dictate your actions. Renew your thoughts to renew your marriage.
Read MoreOur minds become a battlefield as we wrestle with our thinking. Often, we don’t take hold of our thoughts. Instead, we allow them to run wild causing overwhelm. Because of our mental strongholds, battles are won or lost in our minds before we make a single move.
Read MoreManaging your money with godly wisdom takes guts. The biblical principles for managing your money is nothing like the advice the world gives. God doesn’t intend for you to be a slave to debt or in financial bondage but to have financial freedom.
Read MoreWhat does it actually mean to obey God? is partial obedience enough? Is lack of obedience but a willing heart enough? God does not force us to obey his commands; we obey because we love him. 1 Kings 13 reveals how God views complete and partial obedience, as well as outright disobedience.
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