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Is It Answered Prayer Or A Coincidence?


Answered prayer is a God-thing; something that only God could know and do. We can’t explain it with our human reasoning and we couldn’t recreate it no matter how hard we try. It is something that God intentionally does.

A coincidence is often called serendipity, a chance happening, the luck of the draw, fate, pure luck, or even a happy accident. 

Nothing happens without it passing through God Almighty’s hands first. With that in mind, I would have to say that there is no possible way for a coincidence to happen in the life of a child of God. 

I thought a lot about this. How many times does something happen and without a second thought we chalk it up to a happy accident or dumb luck? I wonder how many times God is sitting there watching and waiting for us to realize coincidence had nothing to do with the situation? Didn’t God say in Jeremiah that he has a plan for each of us? We know that God doesn’t make up plans as we go along. Before we were born, He knew who we would be and what He would have us accomplish on this earth.  

I’ve heard people say that not everything can be attributed to God. I disagree. He is the creator of everything. He is all-knowing and nothing happens that doesn’t pass through his hands first. So how do you know if it is answered prayer or a coincidence? Let’s take a look at a few real-life scenarios.



You have been praying for boldness to talk with others about God and his goodness. Out of the blue, you get an urge to go to a certain store.

While shopping, you begin to notice a certain person. They seem to be everywhere you turn. Finally, your small talk progresses into a pleasant chat. What you don't know is that person has been feeling invisible and unwanted by everyone. They had been crying out to God wondering why He bothers to keep them alive. They had been asking God to please let someone at least notice they are alive.

When you begin to chat with them, they realize you not only noticed them but you are a fellow believer. God may have even given you the exact words that this person needed to soothe their hurting soul.

You thought you were simply passing time and not even realized what was happening. That wasn't a coincidence. You were both in that store and noticed each other at that exact moment, for a reason. God helped you to open up and put yourself out there. God used your willing heart to begin healing their wounded, lonely soul. They received a blessing you were willing to give. That wasn't a coincidence. That was a God thing; answered prayer. 


Or maybe you have been feeling like you're not making a difference and you're just floating along. You've been praying about what to do.

One day you hop in your car to run to the post office before work. Suddenly you get in an accident on the way. You're okay but pretty aggravated at the other driver's carelessness. As you get out to access the situation, you discover the other driver is having a medical emergency and needs immediate help. You just happen to be an ER nurse.

You have no way of knowing that the other person knew they were in serious trouble. Just before the accident happened, they cried out to God for help before blacking out. If they had not hit you and you reacted so quickly, they would not have made it. That was not dumb luck on your part and a lucky coincidence on theirs. That was God using you to provide a miracle for that person at the same time He answered your prayer to make a difference. 


These are just a few examples of everyday life. We need to develop a godly mindset, learning to look at our situation from a spiritual perspective instead of attributing everything to coincidence (which is a worldly mindset). 

God uses our circumstances (big and small) to teach us. It may be a lesson in faith, patience, love, or whatever He decides to deal with us about at any particular time. God uses these situations to test and grow us, to communicate with us, to benefit others. We may not understand why or how things have happened a certain way but when we approach our day with "what have you got for me today, Lord?" you will be in awe of what God would like to do through you. Trust him.

For Additional Reading: How to keep growing spiritually.

There is always a purpose for everything that happens in our lives. Don't be too quick to ask (or beg) God to get you out of a particular situation. Instead, ask God to change your attitude and to use you to bless someone else while in the situation. Ask God to grow you, to reveal His purpose and what He wants you to do or say. 


I want to challenge you to look at your world in a different light today. What have you been praying about? What have you been feeling drawn to do but have ignored? Has God answered prayer but not in a way you expected him to so you ignored it? Look back at your last 6 months. How many times has God blessed you like that? If God did it once he will do it again. God is a big God. Maybe He is blessing you and someone else at the same time. 

Be open to God’s leading. Because no matter what situation you find yourself in, if you have prayed and given it to God, it is not a coincidence. God's hand is in everything. It might not make sense to you now but someday, if God allows it, you will see the bigger picture. 

Remember, when God is a part of our lives, nothing is a coincidence or by accident. Everything has a plan and a purpose. 

"We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose."
(Romans 8:28 WEB)

"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."
(James 1:2-4 KJV)


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